The New Face of Manhattan City
Manhattan City has under went some major changes in the last 2 weeks. Besides getting a very big face lift, we have gotten two new owners. MariaDelCarmen Bekkers and Javabox Kawanishi are our newest partners in Manhattan. Maria and Java were on an a joining sim next to us but now we are blessed to have them in house in Manhattan City with Sebastiaan and myself. And might I add, Java is also the builder of Manhattan and our sister sim and home of Serenity Grooves Radio,in Arima City.All four of us are a part of the same business team, Virtual Adventures. To which they are both founders of that group. Now we all get to work and collaborate much closer in Manhattan City. It's lots of fun working with these two. Everyday is a new adventure for us all. Manhattan City welcomes you Maria and Java with open arms. Look out secondlife. LOL.Now I will show you the new face of Manhattan City in a few photos I have collected. Please enjoy them as much as we do and of course, make plans to come see and experience Manhattan City for yourself. More shops, more hang outs, more fun is what we offer you.
New China Town Area
New Lounge with available shops for rent, overlooking the downtown area
New Downtown Manhattan
A new Red Light District for you grown folks and on the bottom is the new harlem area and yess, that is a Soul Glo billboard. Thanks to Java, one of his favs. Haaa. So now that you have a peek. For a closer look, dont be a stranger, come to Manhattan City!!!
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