
Friday, August 12, 2011

Xtra! Xtra! Read all About It! Manhattan City gets a facelift!

The New Face of Manhattan City

Manhattan City has under went some major changes in the last 2 weeks. Besides getting a very big face lift, we have gotten two new owners. MariaDelCarmen Bekkers and Javabox Kawanishi are our newest partners in Manhattan. Maria and Java were on an a joining sim next to us but now we are blessed to have them in house in Manhattan City with Sebastiaan and myself. And might I add, Java is also the builder of Manhattan and  our sister sim and home of Serenity Grooves Radio,in Arima City.All four of us are a part of the same business team, Virtual Adventures. To which they are both founders of that group. Now we all get to work and collaborate much closer in Manhattan City. It's lots of fun working with these two. Everyday is a new adventure for us all. Manhattan City welcomes you Maria and Java with open arms. Look out secondlife. LOL.

Now I will show you the new face of Manhattan City in a few photos I have collected. Please enjoy them as much as we do and of course, make plans to come see and experience Manhattan City for yourself. More shops, more hang outs, more fun is what we offer you.

 New China Town Area
 New Lounge with available shops for rent, overlooking the downtown area
 New Downtown Manhattan
A new Red Light District for you grown folks and on the bottom is the new harlem area and yess, that is a Soul Glo billboard. Thanks to Java, one of his favs. Haaa. So now that you have a peek. For a closer look, dont be a stranger, come to Manhattan City!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011



From: Maria Del Carmen August 5, 2011

Inworld CEO Virtual Adventures

To: All designers & residents

Subject: Immediate emergency actions due to Sim unacceptable performance

Our goal has always been to provide an authentic and excellent city environment for you our important designer and retail outlet customers and your customers to enjoy shopping and city life. The current Estate manager Sold land to a club that generates very high traffic and runs severe scripts that have increased lag to an unacceptable level and actually resulted in sim fu.ll conditions at times which does not even allow our city residents and customers to TP in. We find this to be unacceptable.

We have tried unsuccessfully to work in a reasoned way with the Estates sales agent to bring the environment to an acceptable level but they have refused to make any changes. As a result we believe they are taking our rent under false pretense as we do not have free use of the land and are taking the following actions immediately to protect your investment:

1. Relocating Downtown in its entirety to Arima with our long time business partners Moka and Silas.

2. Preparing an environment that you will be proud of and has a pleasant and authentic Downtown feel

3. Holding a specific location for your store that we hope you will choose to use.

4. Offering you one (1) free week rent as a sign of our good faith and appreciation to you our loyal customers.

Javabox and myself agreed despite the situation to continue our business relationship with Zoha islands. Zoha has proved to be a reliable partner in the past 3 years.

I will be contacting each of you personally but also please feel free to reach out to me. We’ll be having special notices on our FB location as well for further details and information.

Best regards,

Maria del Carmen Bekkers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Manhattan City Welcomes Downtown NYC into our fold.

There is always more room for our family here in Manhattan City. Collaboration with the sister sim, Downtown NYC has been active from the start of the Virtual Adventures NYC Sims Project. Instead of being next door now we are all under one happy roof and faithfully connected to our sister sim Arima City, Home of Serenity Groove Radio.Lending a helping hand is what we, in Virtual Adventures, do and charity always begins at home. When there was some distress for our family, Manhattan welcomed them with open arms.

As spoken by the Virtual Adventures team leaders, Javabox Kawanishi (Sales & Marketing) & Mariadelcarmen Bekkers (CFO), " Because of the lag in Ocraco Island  for the past 2 weeks and "full sim" situation, caused by a club on the sim, Downtown NYC(Ocraco Island) is moving all of its activities to Manhattan City. With this new strategy, we will intensify our collaboration with Serenity Grooves and the Manhattan City group. The transition should be ready by the weekend."

What this means is that Manhattan City and Downtown NYC are all on the same sim as one big happy family. The whole sim is getting a face lift. If you thought it was hot before, wait until you see this one. You dont want to miss it. If youre looking for someplace to go this weekend and hang out and have a lil fun, come to Manhattan City. More hang outs, more fun and of course, more SHOPPING will be available to you.