
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Experience the Journey in Music as we move to the biggest city on Second Life

Serenity Groove is now the official radio station in the biggest Fashion city in Second Life. The massive five-sim city, welcomes Silas Garbidini and his exceptional team to the Arima city limits, which will also be home to their official offices.

Osuntomi Melendez, (Arima city administrator) commented, "I am as thrilled as everyone else, but for me it is especially exciting as I listen to nothing but Serenity Groove. It's my constant companion, so to offer them a home and to work with Silas is an honour."

Silas Gabardini, buzzing with excitement, said "The Fashion City offers Serenity Groove Radio a chance to provide rich media content to its communities. We are so very thrilled to be a part of the largest and best in SL. Virtual Adventure City Projects and Fashion City have set the stage for bringing fashion and music together."

In welcoming Serenity's stream across the city, Javabox Kawanishi (VA Founder) had this to say, "Working with Silas Gabardini and Serenity is a logical step in our strategy to serve the community. With the radio station we can serve our community with information they need such as new city developments or special offers from our designers. We are happy that Silas Gabardini is part of the biggest virtual city on Second Life. Welcome on board!"

Fifi Burton (Serentiy Groove's Programme Manager) had this to say, "I am so excited as we embark on this partnership and journey.... I am thrilled to be a part of it all!"

MokaLatae Blinker (VA Co Owner) I'm very excited to have Serenity Groove in the community . SL's most popular radio station and Dj Silas Gabardini and biggest community. A combination that can't lose.

MariaDelCarmen Bekkers (VA Owner): How exciting! Once again we are taking our city to a next level, by offering our residents and tenents our own media station they will be able to promote their products. Thank you Silas for sharing your knowledge with VA.

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